Stanza in affitto in appartamento via Privata Mauro Rota,8, Milano

MilanoGreco - SegnanoVia Privata Mauro Rota,8
  • € 665/mese
    € 765(-13,1%)
  • 2
  • 12
  • 1
  • 2
Annuncio aggiornato il 06/06/2024

Camera Singola in via Via Privata Mauro Rota /A

[ITA] Disponibile da: 01/07/2024
Mensilità minime prenotabili: 4
Per prenotare l'annuncio clicca sul bottone "Prenota Qui"

[ENG] Available from: 01/07/2024
Minimum months rental: 4
To book the listing click on the button 'Book Here'

Se selezioni una data di check in dal 1 al 15 Pagherai dal 1 del mese.
Se selezioni una data dal 16 a fine mese Pagherai dal 16 del mese
If you select a check in date between the 1st and 15th of the month: You pay from the 1st of the month.
If you select a check in date between the 16th and the end of the month You pay from the 16th of the month

Se selezioni una data di check out dal 1 al 15, Pagherai fino al 15 del mese.
Se selezioni una data di check out dal 15 a fine mese Pagherai fino a fine mese.
If you select a check out date from 1 to 15, you will pay until the 15th of the month.
If you select a check out date from the 15th to the end of the monthYou will pay until the end of the month.

Cozy room in Greco in a newly renovated apartment. The room has all that you need to live, work and study here. From appliances to linen and towels, internet and more.
The apartment is designed in a modern style with spacious rooms and a great kitchen. All costs are included in the rent, including bills, internet, weekly cleaning and more!
A stately building located within a very quiet and secluded private street albeit in close proximity to Piazza Greco. The building is very well cared for both internally and externally, thanks in part to the presence and care of the buildings janitor, who watches over condominium decorum every day
Located between the Central Station and Bicocca University, you will find the historic district Greco. Perfectly integrated into the urban context of Milan, Greco is a cozy self-sufficient neighborhood that used to be a small independent municipality until around 1920. But a quiet neighborhood doesnt mean a boring one! This area hosts one of the coolest clubs called RocknRoll Radio Bar, where anyone can meet singers and well-known artists of the Italian music scene.Additional charges:- a duty stamp of 32€- 1% of the annual rent for tax

Who is eligible to book a room?
Young professionals and students between 20 and 35 years old (except studios) One person per room (no bedroom sharing)
Which documents do we need before sending out contract:
-Copy of Passport
-Income proof (Can be an employment or internship contract, Blocked account, Savings, Payslips of last three months, a gurantee, etc.

More information about flatmates:
It s great to hear that you also care a lot about who will live with you in the future. Our biggest wish is to find suitable members for our communities. Usually your flatmates are international students or young professionals and between 20 and 38 years old. I can't give you more information because of data security. I'm sure you will have a good time in our community.
When are the first payments due?
The deposit and the membership fee will be charged after you enter your payment details on our website. The rent is due only some days before your contract starts.
Disponibile dal
altre caratteristiche
Fibra ottica
Porta blindata
Esposizione esterna
Portiere mezza giornata
Impianto tv centralizzato
Infissi esterni in vetro / metallo
Affitto, transitorio
Appartamento | Intera proprietà | Classe immobile economica
12 m² - Vedi dettaglio
2 camere da letto, 1 bagno, cucina a vista
totale piani edificio
5 piani
€ 665/mese
altre spese
Non indicate
€ 1.330
Efficienza energetica
anno di costruzione
Ottimo / Ristrutturato
Autonomo, a radiatori, alimentato a metano
certificazione energetica
In attesa di certificazione
Efficienza energetica
C175 kWh/m² anno
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