3 risultati per:

agenzie immobiliari a Cingia de' Botti

  • Gruppo Casa Point  -  Sospiro
    In evidenza
    Gruppo Casa Point - Sospiro
    • Su Immobiliare.it da 6 anni

    Via Puerari 39 26048 - Sospiro

    114 annunci

    L'agenzia Casapoint Sospiro nasce nell' autunno del 2017 a coronamento del progetto di espansione della rete nel territorio basso casalasco. Essa vuole essere un punto di riferimento per chi cerca o deve vendere casa nella zona di competenza dell ufficio e garantire una presenza costante in loco. L'agenzia Casapoint Sospiro si occuperà oltre al paese di ubicazione e alle sue frazioni anche dei comuni di: Vescovato, Pescarolo ed uniti, Cicognolo, Pieve San Giacomo, Cingia de' Botti, Motta Baluffi, San Daniele Po e di tutte le piccole realtà comprese in questo territorio. Grazie ad un lavoro già consolidato nella zona nel corso degli ultimi anni, possiamo vantare da subito di un ampio portafoglio di immobili per soddisfare le esigenze di chi si metta alla ricerca di una casa nel territorio di competenza. L'agenzia Casapoint Sospiro garantisce un servizio trasparente e professionale grazie al costante aggiornamento del personale alle normative vigenti ed offre all' utente un servizio completo dalla prima visione dell' immobile sino all atto notarile. La nostra agenzia si occupa anche di affitto, con particolare attenzione alle esigenze delle parti per poter dare un servizio veloce ed efficace che culminerà con la stesura e la registrazione del contratto di locazione.

    In evidenza

    Via Leonida Bissolati 16 26100 - Cremona

    59 annunci
  • Bosco Immobili
    In evidenza
    Bosco Immobili
    • Su Immobiliare.it da 12 anni

    Via umberto I 13 26010 - Dovera

    47 annunci
    32 Venduti/Affittati

    WOOD REAL ESTATE A bespoke name for an innovative real estate agency that wants to elevate real estate to new heights by working with both feet grounded in reality: that of real estate buyers and sellers, their dreams, their needs, their budget, as well as the constraints of a constantly evolving market. AT BOSCOIMMOBILI we share values that are reflected in all spheres of our work. Some of these values are expressed in the relationship with our customers and with our colleagues, such as loyalty, listening, respect and collaboration. They shape and cement our bonds with them. Whether you are a seller or a buyer, take advantage of our experience in the real estate sector for a successful marketing or a purchase with peace of mind. * DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY? Whether it is the sale of your residential property or an income property, the expertise of a BOSCO real estate broker will be of great help to you. Such a transaction is often synonymous with legal, financial and commercial complexities. By choosing to collaborate with a BOSCO real estate agent: You will know the pulse of the market and be able to better assess the market value of your property. This will greatly increase your chances of selling quickly. You will clearly know what buyers in your neighborhood and AREA are looking for in properties similar to yours. You will benefit from the GETRIX database, exclusive for PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION members, a powerful tool containing up-to-date and complete information on properties for sale. * with a BoscoImmobili intermediary You will benefit from original and successful marketing and advertising strategies. You will have the certainty that visits, checks and analyzes will be carried out with respect and efficiency. You will avoid many worries related to the financial, legal and technical decisions to be made. You can count on your real estate agent to collect the legal documents and take you to the notary. Our brokers are there for you. Trust their experience in the real estate sector to pass this important transaction with peace of mind. DO YOU WANT TO BUY A PROPERTY? *WITH A BOSCO REAL ESTATE INTERMEDIARY You will be able to target properties that are likely to suit you and meet your needs. You will visit each of the selected properties in the company of your Agent who will be of great help to you.