3 risultati per:

agenzie immobiliari a Vigolo

    In evidenza
    • Associato Anama
    • Su Immobiliare.it da 12 anni

    Viale della Libertà 1 24021 - Albino

    55 annunci
    2 Venduti/Affittati

    Il Gruppo Equipe Solutions Agency, nasce nel 1999, creato sulle basi delle grandi esperienze immobiliari dei titolari Casadoro Francesco, sin dal 1996, e Spinelli Giovanni dal 2003; è ormai una realtà lavorativa consolidata sul territorio, grazie alle agenzie di Albino e Ranica Il gruppo Equipe Solutions Agency vanta un rigoroso metodo operativo con il quale il cliente viene seguito in tutte le delicate fasi della compravendita di una casa, bene fondamentale nella vita di ciascuno. L’assistenza professionale che viene messa a disposizione spazia dal campo immobiliare a quello creditizio e finanziario, con la consapevolezza che alla base di un servizio eccellente vi sono la comprensione e l’ascolto delle necessità dei clienti. La vendita immobiliare viene condotta tramite pubblicità mirate su riviste di rappresentanza, con assoluta discrezione e conoscenze di alto livello, avvalendosi di una figura pubblicitaria dedicata e di fotografi professionisti. Il nostro whatsapp per scriverci h24 7su7 è il 3423805248

  • Housestobuy.it
    In evidenza
    • Associato Fiaip

    viale Bligny snc 20136 - Milano

    75 annunci

    We are a team of young professionals, we take care of the management and promotion of properties sales and rentals. We deal with any type of sale (residential, commercial, new construction, land), and rentals (short term rentals, temporary rentals, long period rentals, residential and commercial). In touristic destinations and high demand business cities we offer the "Sell and Rent" solution, thanks to our experience in Property Management we rent the house for short rentals during the sale period, in this way the property produces income and acquires even more value, it also becomes an excellent investment solution. Call us for further information. For each sale and rental project we provide support and services covering all the steps, with the utmost seriousness and transparency, up to the conclusion of the deal (evaluation, documents collection, photo shooting and home staging, marketing actions and promotion of ads in Italian and foreigner channels, management of visits and monthly reports, customer service dedicated to foreign customers who want to buy in Italy, consultancy service for owners and buyers, support service for building and urban practices, support for notary practices). Thanks to our innovative vision, we cover many areas of Italy with an ever-expanding network of advisors and collaborators. We believe that the sharing of objectives and economic results is of fundamental importance. For each report we guarantee the payment of a portion of the commissions, we provide constant support and training to collaborators. We have sold houses all over Italy, try our service.

  • Morgan Premier Property Consulting
    In evidenza
    Morgan Premier Property Consulting
    • Associato Fimaa
    • Su Immobiliare.it da 5 anni

    Via Rita Levi Montalcini 2/L 2/L 25030 - Paratico

    26 annunci
    6 Venduti/Affittati

    Madeleine is British, fluent in Italian and has been based in northern Italy for over twenty years. She is a fully licensed Italian Realtor, registered with the Chamber of Commerce as well as a member of the Italian Federation of Fully Licensed Realtors F.I.M.A.A. - Within the business she has an excellent reputation for client commitment and integrity, which can be seen from her many testimonials present on the Dreamhomes website www.dreamhomes.it. Dreamhomes main aim is to fully understand a client’s requirements in order to help them find the home of their dreams. We have satisfied many a client over the years, which clearly demonstrates that our thorough, yet friendly approach really does work. Dreamhomes believe in making the whole experience stress free for every single client, sailing through the whole buying process with them, hand in hand, and offering every type of assistance that each individual client may need. We provide a fully comprehensive guaranteed assistance from start to finish of each clients purchase and a completely free of charge after sales service.