Housing price in the Santa Lucia, Paradiso, Santa Barbara area, Viterbo

The map shows the average prices of the residential properties in the area Santa Lucia, Paradiso, Santa Barbara in Viterbo. The reference period is March 2024.


1,710 €/m²

from 1,186 €/m² to 1,575 €/m²


7.84 €/m²

from 1.54 €/m² to 5.25 €/m²

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Property prices trend in the zone Santa Lucia, Paradiso, Santa Barbara

The following charts show price trends over time for all types of residential property in the Santa Lucia, Paradiso, Santa Barbara area, both for sale and for rent.

Average price sale (€/m²)
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In March 2024 for residential properties for sale was asked an average of € 1,710 per square meter, with a decrease of 1.84% compared to April 2023 (1,742 €/m²). Over the past 2 years, the average price in the Santa Lucia, Paradiso, Santa Barbara area reached its peak in the month of April 2023, with a value of € 1,742 per square meter. The month with the lowest asking price was June 2022: for a property for sale was asked an average of € 1,598 per square meter.

Average price rent (€/m²)
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In March 2024 for residential rental properties was asked an average of € 7.84 per month per square meter, with an increase of 4.95% compared to April 2023 (€ 7.47 monthly per square meter). Over the past 2 years, the average price in the Santa Lucia, Paradiso, Santa Barbara area reached its peak in the month of March 2024, with a value of € 7.84 per square meter. The month with the lowest asking price was October 2022: for a rental property was asked an average of € 6.70 per month per square meter.

Prices per square meter in the streets and squares in the area Santa Lucia, Paradiso, Santa Barbara

The table shows the prices per square meter of the residential properties in the streets, squares, etc. in the area Santa Lucia, Paradiso, Santa Barbara in Viterbo.
These values per square meter are calculated based on the revenue agency's surveys of real estate market prices - OMI.

Piazza Gustavo Adolfo1,5752.5
Piazza Luigi Palatucci1,5752.5
Piazza Michelangelo1,5752.5
Piazzale Antonio Gramsci1,4753.88
Piazzale dei buccheri1,5752.5
Piazzale Porsenna1,5752.5
Strada Capretta1,5752.5
Strada della Palanzana1,5752.5
Strada Ellera1,5752.5
Strada Mammaglia1,5752.5
Strada Santa Barbara1,5752.5
Strada Santissimo Salvatore1,5752.5
Strada Teverina1,1861.54
Via Alcide De Gasperi1,5752.5
Via Andrea Mantegna1,5752.5
Via Arturo Ferrarin1,5752.5
Via Beata Maria De Mattias1,5752.5
Via Botticelli1,5752.5
Via Dalmazia1,5752.5
Via degli Etruschi1,5752.5
Via dei buccheri1,5752.5
Via dei Tarquini1,5752.5
Via del Crocefisso1,5752.5
Via del Ghirlandaio1,5752.5
Via del Tintoretto1,5752.5
Via del Verrocchio1,5752.5
Via dell'Apollo di Vejo1,5752.5
Via dell'Arma dei Carabinieri1,5752.5
Via della Biga di Castro1,5752.5
Via della Ferrovia1,5752.5
Via della Fiera1,5752.5
Via delle Anfore1,5752.5
Via Donatello1,5752.5
Via Donatori di Sangue1,5752.5
Via Dora Baltea1,5752.5
Via Doria Riparia1,5752.5
Via Emilio Chiodo1,5752.5
Via Filippo Lippi1,5752.5
Via Francesco Baracca1,5752.5
Via Fratelli Rosselli1,3755.25
Via Friuli1,5752.5
Via Gorizia1,5752.5
Via Istria1,5752.5
Via Lega dei 12 laghi1,5752.5
Via Mantova1,5752.5
Via Milano1,5752.5
Via Monfalcone1,5752.5
Via Nazario Sauro1,5752.5
Via Palmanova1,5752.5
Via Po1,5752.5
Via Pola1,5752.5
Via Porsenna1,5752.5
Via Postumia1,5752.5
Via Raffaello1,5752.5
Via Raniero Capocci1,4753.88
Via Rovereto1,5752.5
Via San Benedetto Menni1,5752.5
Via Santa Barbara1,5752.5
Via Santa Giacinta Marescotti1,5752.5
Via Tagete1,5752.5
Via Tarconte1,5752.5
Via Ticino1,5752.5
Via Tiziano1,5752.5
Via Tolomino1,5752.5
Via Tuscania1,5752.5
Via Venezia Giulia1,5752.5
Via Zara1,5752.5
Viale Trieste1,4753.88