Housing price in the Bicocca, Niguarda area, Milan

The map shows the average prices of the residential properties in the area Bicocca, Niguarda in Milan. The reference period is March 2024.


3,644 €/m²

from 2,340 €/m² to 2,700 €/m²


19.00 €/m²

from 7.17 €/m² to 8.25 €/m²

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Property prices trend in the zone Bicocca, Niguarda

The following charts show price trends over time for all types of residential property in the Bicocca, Niguarda area, both for sale and for rent.

Average price sale (€/m²)
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In March 2024 for residential properties for sale was asked an average of € 3,644 per square meter, with an increase of 4.17% compared to March 2023 (3,498 €/m²). Over the past 2 years, the average price in the Bicocca, Niguarda area reached its peak in the month of February 2024, with a value of € 3,683 per square meter. The month with the lowest asking price was May 2022: for a property for sale was asked an average of € 3,344 per square meter.

Average price rent (€/m²)
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In March 2024 for residential rental properties was asked an average of € 19.00 per month per square meter, with an increase of 11.90% compared to March 2023 (€ 16.98 monthly per square meter). Over the past 2 years, the average price in the Bicocca, Niguarda area reached its peak in the month of January 2024, with a value of € 19.25 per square meter. The month with the lowest asking price was June 2022: for a rental property was asked an average of € 15.46 per month per square meter.

Prices per square meter in the streets and squares in the area Bicocca, Niguarda

The table shows the prices per square meter of the residential properties in the streets, squares, etc. in the area Bicocca, Niguarda in Milan.
These values per square meter are calculated based on the revenue agency's surveys of real estate market prices - OMI.

Largo Rapallo2,6258.25
Piazza Bruzzano2,5327.38
Piazza degli Aquiloni2,5327.38
Piazza della Trivulziana2,7008.25
Piazza Greco2,6258.25
Piazzetta Andrea Alciato2,5327.38
Via Adriatico2,5508
Via Alessandro Bisnati2,5327.38
Via Antonio Maffi2,5508
Via Antonio Martinazzoli2,5327.38
Via Benefattori dell'Ospedale2,6258.25
Via Bologna2,4117.5
Via Bresso2,5327.38
Via Cattaro2,5508
Via Cherasco2,6258.25
Via Cino da Pistoia2,6258.25
Via Ciriè2,6258.25
Via Costalovara2,6258.25
Via dei Conti Biglia2,5508
Via Demonte2,6258.25
Via Dora Riparia2,5327.38
Via Emilio Cecchi2,5508
Via Ennio Morlotti2,5327.38
Via Francesco Gatti2,6258.25
Via Franco Sacchetti2,7008.25
Via Fulcieri Paulucci di Calboli2,5508
Via Gino Pollini2,6258.25
Via Giovanni Terruggia2,5508
Via Giuseppe Vidali2,6258.25
Via Graziano Imperatore2,6258.25
Via Guido Guarini Matteucci2,6258.25
Via Luigi Beccali2,5508
Via Luigi Mainoni D'Intignano2,5888.13
Via Luigi Ornato2,5508
Via Michele De Angelis2,6258.25
Via Padre Luigi Monti2,6258.25
Via Papa Giovanni XXIII2,3417.25
Via Pigello Portinari2,6258.25
Via privata Cesare Spellanzon2,5508
Via privata Cherso2,5508
Via Privata Elio Reguzzoni2,6258.25
Via privata Hermada2,5508
Via privata Paolo Rotta2,5508
Via privata Raffaello Giolli2,5508
Via Romolo Bitti2,6258.25
Via Ruvenzori2,5508
Via San Basilio2,6638.25
Via Segnanino2,7008.25
Via Siro Capsoni2,5327.38
Via Umberto Cagni2,5508
Via val D'Ossola2,5508
Via Val di Ledro2,5508
Via Valbrona2,6258.25
Via Vittorio Veneto2,3407.17
Viale Fulvio Testi2,5698.13
Viale Giovanni Suzzani2,6008.17
Vicolo Diomede Pantaleoni2,5327.38