Housing price in the Centro, Piani, Rencio area, Bolzano

The map shows the average prices of the residential properties in the area Centro, Piani, Rencio in Bolzano. The reference period is March 2024.


5,439 €/m²



15.47 €/m²


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Property prices trend in the zone Centro, Piani, Rencio

The following charts show price trends over time for all types of residential property in the Centro, Piani, Rencio area, both for sale and for rent.

Average price sale (€/m²)
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In March 2024 for residential properties for sale was asked an average of € 5,439 per square meter, with a decrease of 3.53% compared to March 2023 (5,638 €/m²). Over the past 2 years, the average price in the Centro, Piani, Rencio area reached its peak in the month of December 2022, with a value of € 5,735 per square meter. The month with the lowest asking price was May 2022: for a property for sale was asked an average of € 4,932 per square meter.

Average price rent (€/m²)
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In March 2024 for residential rental properties was asked an average of € 15.47 per month per square meter, with an increase of 5.53% compared to March 2023 (€ 14.66 monthly per square meter). Over the past 2 years, the average price in the Centro, Piani, Rencio area reached its peak in the month of November 2023, with a value of € 15.87 per square meter. The month with the lowest asking price was May 2022: for a rental property was asked an average of € 14.30 per month per square meter.

Prices per square meter in the streets and squares in the area Centro, Piani, Rencio

The table shows the prices per square meter of the residential properties in the streets, squares, etc. in the area Centro, Piani, Rencio in Bolzano.
These values per square meter are calculated based on the revenue agency's surveys of real estate market prices - OMI.

Galleria Europa - Europa Galerie--
Galleria Sernesi Galerie--
Gärbergasse - Via dei Conciapelli--
In Villa - Im Dorf--
Largo Adolph Kolping - Adolph Kolping Straße--
Largo Giovanni Palatucci - Giovanni Palatucci Platz--
Mühlgasse - Via Molini--
Obermagdalena - Santa Maddalena di Sopra--
Piazza della Parrocchia - Pfarrplatz--
Piazza Dogana - Zollstangenplatz--
Piazza Domenicani - Dominikanerplatz--
Piazza Erbe - Obstmarkt--
Piazza Municipio - Rathausplatz--
Piazza Università - Universitätsplatz--
Piazza Walther Von Der Vogelweide - Walther-Von-Der-Vogelweide-Platz--
Rivelaun - Rivellone--
Salita S. Osvaldo - Oswaldleiten--
Schlachthof Straße - Via del Macello--
Untermagdalena - Santa Maddalena di Sotto--
Via Alto Adige - Südtirolerstraße--
Via Alto Adige - Südtirolerstrasse--
Via Andreas Hofer - Andreas-Hofer-Straße--
Via Argentieri - Silbergasse--
Via Beda Weber - Beda-Weber-Strasse--
Via Brennero - Brennerstraße--
Via Castel Mareccio - Maretscherstraße--
Via Catinaccio - Rosengartenstraße--
Via Claudia di Medici - Claudia-di-Medici-Straße--
Via Crispi - Crispistraße--
Via Dante - Dante Strasse--
Via De Lai - De-Lai-Straße--
Via dei Bottai - Bindergasse--
Via dei Cappuccini - Kapuzinergasse--
Via dei Francescani - Franziskanergasse--
Via dei Grappoli - Weintraubengasse--
Via dei Vanga - Wangergasse--
Via del Macello - Schlachthofstrasse--
Via della Mostra - Mustergasse--
Via della Posta - Poststraße--
Via della Rena - Raingasse--
Via della Roggia - Rauschertorgasse--
via Dodiciville - Zwölfmalgreiener Straße--
via Dodiciville - Zwölfmalgreiner Straße--
Via Dolomiti - Dolomitenstrasse--
Via Dr. Streiter - Dr. Streiter-Gasse--
via Gilm - Gilm Straße--
Via Goethe - Goethestraße--
Via Isarco - Eisackstraße--
Via Isarco - Eisackstrasse--
Via Kanonikus Michael Gamper Strasse--
Via Latemar - Latemarstrasse--
Via Laurin - Laurinstrasse--
via Leonardo da Vinci - Leonardo da Vinci Straße--
Via Leonardo-da-Vinci-Straße--
via Marconi - Marconistraße--
Via Monte Tondo - Hörtenbergstrasse--
Via Museo - Museumsstraße--
Via Perathoner--
Via Perathoner - Perathonerstraße--
Via Pfannenstiel - Pfannenstielweg--
Via Piani d'Isarco - Leegtorweg--
Via Piani di Bolzano - Boznerboden Weg--
Via Piave - Piavestraße--
Via Pier Fortunato Calvi Strasse--
Via Portici - Laubengasse--
via Raiffeisen - Raiffeisenstraße--
Via Rosmini - Rosmini Straße--
Via Rosmini - Rosministraße--
Via S. Osvaldo - Oswaldweg--
Via S. Pietro - St- Peter--
Via Sciliar - Schlernstraße--
Via Talvera - Talfergasse--
Via Wendelstein - Wendelsteinstraße--
Via Wolkenstein - Straße--
Viale della Stazione - Bahnhofsallee--
Vic. d. Erbe - Erbsengasse--
Vicolo Gumer - Gumergasse--
Vicolo Parrocchia - Pfarrgasse--
Vicolo Sabbia - Zum Talfergries--
Vicolo San Giovanni - Sankt-Johann-Gasse--