Housing price in the Intorno Mura area, Treviso

The map shows the average prices of the residential properties in the area Intorno Mura in Treviso. The reference period is March 2024.


2,411 €/m²

from 1,510 €/m² to 3,044 €/m²


10.60 €/m²

from 5.75 €/m² to 10.75 €/m²

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Property prices trend in the zone Intorno Mura

The following charts show price trends over time for all types of residential property in the Intorno Mura area, both for sale and for rent.

Average price sale (€/m²)
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In March 2024 for residential properties for sale was asked an average of € 2,411 per square meter, with an increase of 3.08% compared to March 2023 (2,339 €/m²). Over the past 2 years, the average price in the Intorno Mura area reached its peak in the month of December 2023, with a value of € 2,439 per square meter. The month with the lowest asking price was May 2022: for a property for sale was asked an average of € 2,201 per square meter.

Average price rent (€/m²)
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In March 2024 for residential rental properties was asked an average of € 10.60 per month per square meter, with an increase of 11.93% compared to March 2023 (€ 9.47 monthly per square meter). Over the past 2 years, the average price in the Intorno Mura area reached its peak in the month of March 2024, with a value of € 10.60 per square meter. The month with the lowest asking price was May 2022: for a rental property was asked an average of € 8.92 per month per square meter.

Prices per square meter in the streets and squares in the area Intorno Mura

The table shows the prices per square meter of the residential properties in the streets, squares, etc. in the area Intorno Mura in Treviso.
These values per square meter are calculated based on the revenue agency's surveys of real estate market prices - OMI.

Largo di Porta Altinia3,04410.75
Lungo Fiume Cerca2,3508.75
Lungo Sile Antonio Mattei2,3508.75
Piazzale Duca d'Aosta2,3508.75
Porta Altinia2,6979.75
Riviera Santa Margherita3,04410.75
Strada delle Belle Gambe2,3508.75
Strada siora Andriana dal Vescovo2,3508.75
Via Angelo Giustinian Recanati3,04410.75
Via Antonio Santalena2,3508.75
Via Bartolomeo Orioli3,04410.75
via Benzi--
Via Botteniga2,3508.75
Via Cadore2,3508.75
Via Cavalleggeri di Treviso2,3508.75
Via della Liberazione2,3508.75
Via Fortunato Venanzio2,6979.75
Via Francesco Baracca2,6979.75
Via Francesco Bomben2,3508.75
Via G. Pozzobon2,3508.75
Via Generale Alessandro Guidotti2,3508.75
Via Generale Antonio Cantore2,3508.75
Via Generale Emanuele dal Prà2,3508.75
Via Giacomo Camillo De Carlo2,3508.75
Via Giovanni Pinadello2,3508.75
Via Ippolito Nievo2,3508.75
Via L. Sartori2,3508.75
Via Lorenzo da Ponte2,3508.75
Via Nervesa della Battaglia2,6979.75
via Niccolò Tommaseo2,3508.75
Via Pietro Bertolini2,3508.75
via Pinelli2,3508.75
Via Pisa--
Via San Camillo de Lellis2,3508.75
Via San Pelaio1,5105.75
Via Selvana2,3508.75
Via Sernaglia della Battaglia2,3508.75
Via Silvio Pellico2,3508.75
Via Terraglio2,3508.75
Via Tiziano Vecellio2,3508.75
Via Tofane2,3508.75
Via Vincenzo Maria Coronelli2,3508.75
Via Zara2,3508.75
Viale Cacciatori2,3508.75
Viale della Repubblica1,8696.88
Viale Fratelli Bandiera2,3508.75
Viale Fratelli Cairoli2,6979.75
Viale Lancieri di Novara2,3508.75
Viale Nino Bixio2,6979.75
Viale Vittorio Veneto2,3508.75
Vicolo Castello d'Amore2,3508.75
Vicolo delle Corti--
Vicolo Eugenio Rota2,3508.75
Vicolo Francesco Baracca2,3508.75
Vicolo Generale Antonio Cantore2,3508.75
Vicolo Montello2,3508.75
Vicolo Nervesa della Battaglia2,3508.75
Vicolo Piave2,3508.75
Vicolo San Bartolomeo2,3508.75
Vicolo Santa Margherita3,04410.75
Vicolo Venier2,3508.75