Housing prices in the municipality of Rocca Pietore

The map shows the average prices of the residential properties in the municipality of Rocca Pietore. The reference period is March 2024.


1,609 €/m²

from 384 €/m² to 10,889 €/m²


11.72 €/m²

from 7.73 €/m² to 27.32 €/m²

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Property prices trend in Rocca Pietore

The following charts show price trends over time for all types of residential property in Rocca Pietore, both for sale and for rent.

Average price sale (€/m²)
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In March 2024 for residential properties for sale was asked an average of € 1,609 per square meter, with a decrease of 5.85% compared to March 2023 (1,709 €/m²). Over the past 2 years, the average price in Rocca Pietore municipality reached its peak in July 2023, with a value of € 1,966 per square meter. The month with the lowest asking price was July 2022: for a property for sale was asked an average of € 1,069 per square meter.

Average price rent (€/m²)
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In March 2024 for residential rental properties was asked an average of € 11.72 per month per square meter, with an increase of 40.02% compared to March 2023 (€ 8.37 monthly per square meter). Over the past 2 years, the average price in Rocca Pietore municipality reached its peak in May 2022, with a value of € 17.78 per square meter. The month with the lowest asking price was July 2022: for a rental property was asked an average of € 6.95 per month per square meter.

Prices per square meter of the municipalities in the province of Belluno

In March 2024, the asking price for properties for sale in Rocca Pietore was € 1,609 per square meter, compared to the provincial average of € 2,461.
The asking price for rental properties in Rocca Pietore was € 11.72 monthly per square meter, compared to the provincial average of € 20.12.

Alano di Piave4918.66
Auronzo di Cadore1,80211.55
Borca di Cadore3,10925.83
Borgo Valbelluna7897.94
Calalzo di Cadore1,11912.71
Canale d'Agordo67410.09
Cencenighe Agordino1,55510.03
Chies d'Alpago53911.35
Cibiana di Cadore1,26713.32
Colle Santa Lucia2,69212.03
Comelico Superiore1,48212.15
Cortina d'Ampezzo10,88927.32
Danta di Cadore1,35612.34
Domegge di Cadore1,01212.52
La Valle Agordina78710.58
Livinallongo del Col di Lana5,10821.18
Lorenzago di Cadore1,29012.92
Lozzo di Cadore73012.75
Ospitale di Cadore82313.55
Perarolo di Cadore83217.14
Pieve di Cadore1,42012.18
Ponte nelle Alpi79011.2
Quero Vas5968.68
Rivamonte Agordino43610.02
Rocca Pietore1,60911.72
San Gregorio nelle Alpi6358.6
San Nicolò di Comelico2,61912.13
San Pietro di Cadore88912.05
San Tomaso Agordino73710.58
San Vito di Cadore4,70226.58
Santa Giustina6528.49
Santo Stefano di Cadore1,31416.35
Selva di Cadore2,11612.02
Seren del Grappa6188.75
Taibon Agordino93910.23
Val di Zoldo2,57811.04
Vallada Agordina2,00710.11
Valle di Cadore1,20211.86
Vigo di Cadore88312.48
Vodo Cadore2,08411.72
Voltago Agordino5679.96
Zoppè di Cadore1,07711.8
Socio-demographic data in the municipality of Rocca Pietore

The following charts show information about the real estate property of the municipality of Rocca Pietore and a summary of the demographic and socio-economic aspects that characterize its resident population, consisting of 1,196 inhabitants.